Matching Gifts

Did you know that on average, one in 10 companies match employee donations? To find out if your employer has a matching-gift program, please enter the company's name in the search box below.

By simply completing a matching-gift form from your company and sending it to PETA, you may be able to double--or even triple--the impact of your gift! Some companies will also match the donations of spouses, retirees, or volunteers. As a supporter of PETA, you know that contributions of any amount help us do more for animals, and we encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful program.

Have your form already? Please mail it to:

Attn.: Matching Gifts
501 Front St.
Norfolk, VA 23510

If you don't see your employer listed, please check with the company's human resources department to find out if it offers a matching-gift program. For additional information or questions for PETA, please contact Michelle Cehn at 510-763-7407 or via e-mail at .

PETA is a public charity classified as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax ID number is 52-1218336.

Matching Gifts database provided by HEPdata exclusively under these Terms of Use.

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